Medicine for furuncle
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Sum insured enhancement will be allowed based on medical assessment in furyncle with the underwriting guidelines. However, such gor insured enhancement will be done only at the time of renewal. In case you choose to get treated at home for COVID, we will cover the same under the home healthcare facilitated by us through our empaneled service providers.
In case read more quarantine is in a hospital on the advice of a medical practitioner, then the medical expenses incurred will be covered in accordance with the policy terms and conditions.
However, expenses incurred on account of self-quarantine or quarantine at home will not be covered. The geographical scope of the policy is limited obamacareplans.com India.
So long as the hospitalisation is in India, the travel history will not affect the admissibility of claim under the policy. In case your policy has an outpatient treatment cover, then consultations with a medical practitioner and diagnostic tests as advised by a medical practitioner will be medicine for furuncle up to the sum insured. Further, in case there medicine for furuncle hospitalisation medicine for furuncle account of COVID and the please click for source has been paid under the fjruncle, then all expenses related to COVID incurred on account of consultations with a medical practitioner and diagnostic tests as advised by a medical practitioner in the 30 day period prior to date of admission mediclne 60 day medickne after date of discharge will be covered in medicine for furuncle with the policy terms and conditions.
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