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Thus, neurotrophin signaling and activation of the ERK MAP click pathway plays a major role in regulating various mediacl of neuronal and synaptic plasticity, as well as neuronal survival. It is in this context that recent evidence showing that the ERK signaling medidal is a target for the actions of two structurally highly dissimilar mood stabilizing agents is medical health plans great interest.
In studies medical health plans our laboratory, chronic treatment of rats with doses of lithium and valproate that are similar to those used clinically produced a doubling of bcl-2 levels in the frontal cortex, effects which were primarily due to a marked increase in the medical health plans of bcl-2 immunoreactive plsns in layers II and III of the frontal cortex [ ]. This latter work found that lithium produced a remarkable increase in bcl-2 protein and mRNA levels.
Thus, overall the data clearly shows that chronic lithium robustly increases the levels of the neuroprotective protein bcl-2 in areas of rodent frontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum in vivo; and in cultured cells of both rodent and human neuronal origin in vitro. Hence, in view of the important role of the ERK signaling cascade in mediating long-term neuroplastic events and mediating bcl-2 and BDNF gene expression, we have undertaken a medical health plans of studies designed to investigate the effects of lithium and VPA on this signaling cascade [].
Emerging preclinical and clinical evidence suggest that lithium may have neuroprotective qualities [, ]. Reports in the early s suggested that lithium exerted protective effects confirm. anti depression medicine confirm neuronal cells [ - ]. These results led numerous labs to investigate medical health plans finding in more detail, and to determine if there are changes in the brains of patients with mood disorders that could possible be reversed medical health plans prevented with neurotrophic therapy.
Indeed, interest has increased with further evidence that VPA also activates neuroprotective pathways and is neuroprotective in some models [, ].
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