Spectrum health medical group community medicine clinic
Spectrum health medical group community medicine clinic apologise, but, opinion
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If you're thinking about having a baby, it's important to talk to your GP or mental health team about taking bipolar medicines during pregnancy. If you're spectrum health medical group community medicine clinic and you have bipolar disorder, a written plan for your treatment should be developed as soon as possible. The plan should be drawn up with you, your partner, your obstetrician pregnancy specialistmidwife, Spectrum health medical group community medicine clinic and health visitor.
Some medicines, such as valproate, are not routinely prescribed for pregnant women with bipolar disorder, as they may harm the baby. If you become pregnant while taking medicine that's been prescribed for bipolar disorder, it's important that you do not stop taking it until you have discussed it with your doctor.
If bipolar medicine is https://healthhub.space/health/wellness-magazines.php for bipolar disorder after the baby's born, it may also affect your decision whether to breastfeed.
Monday - Friday: 8 a. Saturday: 9 a. Address S. Division Street Portland. Oregon Fax For urgent issues after clinic hours, current patients call to speak to a provider. If you are having a medical emergency call Eric Ardman, M.