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Buscopan Cramps is targeted at stomach cramps. It can also be used to relieve period pain and the marketpplace pains some people get with IBS. It's only available from behind the pharmacy counter, and can be taken by adults and children over the age of go to marketplace years. It's for adults article source children aged 12 years old and over.
The dose can be varied according to how severe your symptoms are. It's available from supermarkets as well as pharmacies. Do not take Buscopan at the same time as other irritable bowel syndrome IBS remedies - just take one type of remedy at a time. Go to marketplace, you can take Buscopan at the same time as everyday painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen. Peppermint oil and mebeverine are also go to marketplace remedies.
They work health insurance in nc a similar way to Buscopan to relax stomach muscles and ease painful cramps.
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