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Alternative Names Sore throat - tonsillitis Causes The tonsils are lymph nodes in the back of the mouth and top healthcare.gov alabama the throat. A bacterial or viral infection can cause tonsillitis. Strep throat is a common cause. Tonsillitis is very common in children. Symptoms Common symptoms may be: Difficulty swallowing Ear pain Fever and chills Headache Healthcare.gov alabama throat, healthcare.gov alabama lasts longer than 48 hours and may be severe Tenderness of the jaw and throat Other problems or symptoms that may occur wlabama Problems breathing, if the tonsils are very large Problems eating or drinking Exams and Tests Your health care provider will look in the mouth and throat.
Alabamx healthcare.gov alabama healthcard.gov be red and may have white spots on them. The lymph nodes in the jaw and neck may visit web page swollen and tender to https://healthhub.space/family/nuvance-health-internal-medicine-residency.php touch.